Monday, July 22, 2013

Salary Protection from

You probably haven't heard of too many insurance companies who offer a multi-range of services besides just life insurance. offers an extra service- salary protection. This ensures your pay cheque keeps coming even if you become ill or injured. You'll be covered until the age of 65, you die or until you are able to work again.

Also FRANK life insurance offers a retrenchment policy that benefits you by paying you out up to six months.  Salary protection includes:

  • monthly payouts of up to 75% of your current salary
  • helps you protect your future assets
  • your payout will allow you to make any payments you salary would cover
  • if you're retrenched, you'll be covered for up to six months
For more information, contact on 0860 722 227

Love your family, love life insurance

It is important to consider what would happen to your loved ones if you were suddenly out the picture. Everything would change, especially their finances. You should have a worry free life and consider FRANK.NET life insurance. Frank provides the most simple, stress free way to cover your family in the best way possible.

Visit the website or contact us today on 0860 722 227 for a quote or to find out more.