Monday, December 10, 2012
Event Management
Carol Weaving, managing director of Thebe Exhibitions and Projects Group which owns Decorex SA, congratulated the organising team, saying that Africa's largest décor, design and lifestyle show was a jewel in the crown of Thebe's exhibition portfolio.
"Thebe is 95% female - a fact that really works in the exhibition industry because women are extremely detail orientated," Weaving said.
Weaving, a former chairperson of the Exhibition Association of South Africa, said the challenge facing all exhibitions was the existence of some disreputable organisations that threatened to give the exhibition business a bad name.
Source: Thebe toasts another successful Decorex Joburg
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Prom dresses
Monday, November 19, 2012
Selling and buying second hand goods
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Milktart - The traditional way
- Cream the butter and sugar well together. Add the egg, before beating well.
- Add all other ingredients and this will make a stiff dough.
- Press into one or two round cake tins/pie dishes and bake at 180 degrees until light brown.
- Bring milk to the boil.
- Beat eggs well and add sugar, flour, corn flour and salt.
- Mix well.
- Pour boiling milk into the mixture and stir well.
- Return to stove and stir well until mixture thickens.
- Add butter and vanilla essence and pour into cooked shell.
- Allow to cool in the fridge (you don’t have to cook the tart any further.)
Monday, October 15, 2012
In recent years, the commercial and industrial industries have reached new heights; demands on the various specifications of the projects are constantly being redefined in order for the best quality product to be achieved. Therefore, the best equipment is required in order to facilitate the envisioned final product.
The forklift is a critical handling solution that allows all types of material to be moved quickly and efficiently and in so doing, increases productivity and dramatically cuts operation costs. However, there are a wide range of forklifts available and one needs to be well-informed in order to make the choice of which one will suit their needs.
There are two types of fuel that power these machines: diesel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); there is also a more eco-friendly option that is electrically powered. Diesel models use a conventional internal combustion engine to drive the forklift and hydraulics; however the downside is that you have normal diesel emissions which are not ideal in a closed environment. Therefore, they are more suited to outdoor construction projects.
LPG models use gas (from gas cylinders) and the emissions are a lot lower. They also have the benefit of switching to petrol should the need arise so they are ideal for dual indoor and outdoor applications however the running costs are a lot higher.
Electric models which run off batteries, there are zero emissions and the running costs are the lowest of the three. However, the initial cost of the machine is higher and another downside is that they can only operate for one shift and then you need to put the battery on charge. One way of getting around this is to buy multiple batteries, however this requires an additional capital outlay. Once your decision has been made of which model meets your requirements, you need to establish whether purchase or rental is your best option.
If you are involved in an outdoor construction project, then the diesel forklift is your best option, as it has a far better fuel efficiency compared to the other forklifts. The rental option is also much more affordable over an extended period of time and the costs of maintenance and repairs that you will need to pay if you purchase a diesel forklift. If you rent, you will not be responsible for these added costs. An added advantage to diesel forklift for hire is that the rates you are charged are calculated according to the amount of hours that you use the equipment and not according to the amount of days that the forklift is in your possession so you won’t be paying for time when the forklift is not in operation.
According to Dieter Glockle of Manhand, “the most popular model is diesel, followed by the electric and LPG forklifts. Therefore, it is easy to deduce that the diesel version of the forklift, whether purchased or rented, is the preferred model for consumers.
Benefits of Hiring a Forklift for your business
Forklift trucks have changed the way in which businesses move heavier and larger items forever; stating that your business can’t run without this revolutionary machine is true. Forklifts were invented during the early twentieth century and have become an integral part of industrial businesses in the modern-day. But just how many different businesses can use forklifts? Does your business need to make use of forklift hire? If you work on any of the following platforms a forklift for your business is of the utmost importance.
Construction sites
Construction sites are primarily extremely big locations and industrial forklifts can be used to easily transport numerous heavy and large objects over long distances and rough terrains. They can easily move and unload various objects like pallets or bricks, steel girders and other construction products.
It can easily be stated that warehouses can’t function without forklifts; they are used to unload and load trucks and then to transport these goods to where they will be kept in the warehouse. As forklifts come in many different sizes and styles you will find the perfect forklift for any of your warehouse needs. Smaller and narrower forklifts can be used for smaller passages in the warehouse while bigger and heavier forklifts can easily move larger objects.
Forklifts have been used on dockyards since the Second World War and during this time they efficiently helped in moving and loading arms, supplies and other warfare equipment. Today they get used to move large containers from the delivery trucks to the dockside storage areas and ultimately onto the ships.
Recycling operations
Forklifts pose the easiest way for moving containers from the recycling trucks and moving them to the sorting bays. Recycling operations normally start off as quite a messy situation and forklifts merely help in sorting out this chaos quicker.
Whether you use your forklift at a construction site, a warehouse, and dockyards or at recycling operations this revolutionary machine is sure to make your work day much easier. There are plenty of companies in South Africa where you can either find a forklift rental or purchase a forklift. Forklift for sale in South Africa can be found across the country and will ultimately help improve your business.
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Complete Package
each month for absolutely nothing right? Why give your hard earned cash away and see no reward for your
Time it seems has given me the wisdom to know why, for security. Sure, years might go by without anything
going in your life, but when that day does come around and you are insured, you will thank your lucky stars!
Salary Protection Insurance, Disability Cover, Serious Illness Cover all come together to form a complete package which you can trust to help you when you need it most. There are many companies out there for this, Frank.Net stands head and shoulders above the rest in my opinion.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Go Portable with second-hand camcorders
The era of the old faithful desktop computer is (for the most part) over. For the professional in any industry, maximum performance and portability convenience are the two specifications that the public require.
We are all constantly on the go, driving or flying to meetings and conferences and we need to be able to still keep in touch with everything that is going on at the office and this is where the smartphone and tablet devices have become a necessity. The inception of the smartphone was a revelation – a device that allows you to send and receive emails, access your social media and the ability to download a plethora of apps for you to enjoy in your downtime – absolutely amazing.
As you would expect, technology took it a step further and now the “tablet” has become a common piece of “smart” equipment for every “on the move” professional. The wide range of tablets boast a much bigger screen and, through the accessories such as a wireless keyboard, essentially turning it into a mini laptop, they are being frequently purchased.
However, this ever-increasing nanotechnology carries a hefty price tag, one which can extend into the high four-figures and this is out of the price range for many of us, but buying your device through a well-established second-hand goods selling franchise, will afford you the opportunity to acquire the item, at a significantly reduced cost, that will create more balance and productivity in your daily schedule.
Africa’s largest second-hand selling goods stores have a diverse range of top brand tablets such as Samsung and Hewlett-Packard, with state-of-the-art specifications such as an HD screen, dual-core processors, high-speed 3G internet connectivity and a long lasting battery life. With a single touch on the screen you will instantly be able to access your Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts, allowing you to be completely up-to-date with your business and personal lives. The consumer electronics department also has second-hand camcorders and HD televisions for sale.
The new-generation smartphones and tablets have been created to aid you in increasing productivity, essentially giving you the ability to carry your professional and personal life in the palm of your hand. Therefore, it is time to ditch the plethora of tangled power cables and unnecessary LAN cords and take your technology to the latest standard.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Upgrading your Technology Lifestyle
The advancements in technology are increasing daily. All the major players in the industry are in constant competition to “one-up” each other; the good thing about this is that we get to enjoy the awesome gadgets, music instruments and sound equipment. The only problem is that, for many of us, the retail prices are leaving us with a low bank balance and limited cash flow. This is why the purchasing of second-hand goods is definitely the way to go.
There is a perpetual debate as to which is better: the Apple Mac or the Personal Computers? Everyone has a different opinion, but through companies that sell second-hand goods, you have the freedom to pick your preference; debate closed.
The HD flat screen TV, boasting the high resolution picture that allows you to experience your favourite programmes and movies from a completely new perspective. DVDs are slowly becoming as obsolete as the VHS cassette and all the attention has been turned to Blu-Ray – a must-have to complete your entertainment unit. Sports fanatics will also benefit from the HD sports channels that are available – now you will know for sure whether the try was scored or if the ball pitched in line to prove that the umpire’s LBW decision was correct.
Make sure you also invest in the HD PVR decoder so that if you are stuck at the office and cannot watch the all-important clash between your favourite team and their arch-rival, you are able to record every second of it.
The Game Trader department is waiting for you to indulge in the best and most affordable games available. There is a wide range of consoles and games with eye-popping graphics that will keep you entertained for hours; this is a great way to spend the cold winter evenings.
The advantage of buying second-hand goods and specifically, second hand musical instruments is that you may find that limited edition acoustic or electric guitar that you have always wanted, but unfortunately is no longer produced. People are able to sell any item at these stores and receive generous compensation and maybe they are not totally aware that the antique Gibson Sunburst they have just sold is a collector’s dream piece – you just may be that lucky.
There is no time to waste. Make your way to your nearest outlet and get browsing. They will have a user-friendly website that will allow you to browse the stores’ items from the privacy of your own home.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Beginners Guide for DJ Equipment

Becoming a DJ is the dream of many a youngster, unfortunately the prohibitive pricing and lack of proper instruction make it a difficult task to undertake, the equipment is expensive and knowing what to buy in order to get started without falling victim to the sales talk of crafty electronic store salesman is hard. Then once you have established yourself there is the difficult task of getting yourself known, building a reputation and been invited to gigs and clubs. While DJ equipment can be expensive, second hand DJ equipment is affordable and the robust nature of the equipment means that even if you choose to buy second hand you will be surprised by the amount of use that you are able to get from previously used DJ equipment such as turntables, mixers and amplifiers, all of which, if properly looked after can last years.
As things move digital and much of the DJ’s job now takes place on computers, second hand DJ equipment has become much cheaper and more readily discarded. If one trawls used goods shops for second hand DJ equipment you need not exhibit the same trepidation that one would when buying other second hand electronics. The fact that people have decided to sell their dj equipment is not because it no longer works or because it is outdated, it may simply be that they have made the jump to digital. This however may not be the best option for someone just starting out it is far expensive and not entirely necessary. While digital DJ facilities are far more convenient they are seldom better than their predecessors, as one who is just starting out second hand “old fashioned” DJ equipment is more than adequate and much more cost effective.
The robust nature of the older DJ equipment makes it ideal for gigs at parties where the clientele might be less than desirable, it can handle been knocked around and is more likely to stand up to the odd spilled beverage than a laptop computer or other similar digital equipment.
There are several different roles a DJ can take on and all can be equally fun and at time profitable, you can either remix new tracks from existing music or you can simply provide dancing and entertainment and parties, usually playing a playlist selected by the person that hired you and is paying your fee. This type of DJ does not normally play music they have made themselves. This can be extremely profitable as the number of functions that require DJ’s with good DJ equipment is vast from weddings to a Bar Mitzvah. There is a certain old fashioned logic that dictates before you go out and spend money on the fanciest equipment in any chosen endeavour first make sure it is something you will enjoy and can see your-self doing for an extended period. To ensure this it is cheaper and more practical to perhaps start out with cheaper second hand DJ equipment and then as you grow your experience and become more certain that it is a hobby or possibly even a business that you will be able to grow for many years to come.
Source: Becoming a DJ
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Dj Equipment
Buy Gold Jewelery
Monday, April 30, 2012
Look Great in Womens Office Wear from Image Makers

Women in the workplace are always want to be elegant and stylish because it is the place where you spend most life at.Image Makers will set the trend in bringing you womens corporate clothing in a stylish essence. Fantastic womens office wear collections, choose 9 gourmets and 32 outfits and mix and match.Since winter is coming up, Image Makers has compiled the perfect winter clothing ranges.So choose Image Makers for corporate clothing look that matches your style
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Event Management Courses

By taking event management courses you’ll be able to succeed within the competitive industry of events coordination. You’ll impress every client and have the skills and nerve to take extra measures to get the job done to perfection. With the correct skills and training, an individual will know how to build a list of useable contacts and good reputation. By studying event management courses that are recognised world-wide, you’ll be able to find a job in any country and have the ability to resource a new set of contacts and suppliers which will allow you to create extraordinary events. Industry required skills are a must in the world of events coordinating; however an individual will only succeed if they have drive, innovative ideas, and creativity. Once you have the skills and motivation, you’ll be able to have the freedom and flexibility of working for yourself and building your own portfolio of clients. Practical experience is priceless in this industry, so before you start your own adventure it would be a good idea to intern or assist a well-established events coordinator.
Source : Stenden
Hotel Management

If you dream of an exciting career which allows you to meet thousands of new people every year and travel the world, studying a degree in hotel management will give you the adventure you’re looking for. With training and theoretical knowledge of working in and running hotels, you’ll quickly find yourself high up on a career ladder in a beautiful location, working with a diversity of people and nationalities.
Managing a hotel is one of the most beneficial jobs on offer within the hospitality industry. You’ll be head of a hotel, in charge over a large staff, and you’ll be able to enjoy the location of the hotel and be able to converse and mingle with the guests. You will be expected to be in control over every activity run by the hotel but will also have the opportunity to enjoy its perks and luxuries, go to events, and meet influential people from all over the world.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Cape Town Restaurants

Cape Town restaurants is plentiful and there’s something to suit every budget. The greatest density of Cape Town restaurants, hotels, boutique hotels, Bed and Breakfasts, guest houses and self catering apartments and holiday villas are situated in the City Bowl area and immediate South Atlantic Seaboard belt, all within a 10 minute drive from Cape Town City Centre and the V&A Waterfront. Highly desirable suburbs likeTamboerskloof and Oranjezicht spill down the slopes of Table Mountain towards Gardens, Cape Town City Centre, De Waterkant and the exclusive Waterfront. From the Waterfront the dazzling Atlantic coastline curves south, fringed by the seaside suburbs of Green Point, Sea Point, Bantry Bay the ultra glamorous suburbs of Clifton and Camps Bay.
Cape Town Restaurants - Browse the directory of Restaurants in Cape Town. Find a Restaurant in Cape Town.
Source : Safari Now
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Unilever Sustainable Living Plan

The impact goes beyond our factory gates. The sourcing of raw materials and the use of Unilever products by the consumer at home have a far larger footprint. Unilever recognises this and so their plan is designed to reduce their impacts across the whole lifecycle of their products.